Monday, May 21, 2012

Perks of Being a Wallflower- Change

"But because things change. And friends leave. And life doesn’t stop for anybody."(145)
As I come to my last day of High School all that goes through my head is the change that is going to be made next year. All my friends get split up into different areas of the country and world, we move to places we don't know, and we study things we didn't even know about. This goes through every seniors mind as they enter the school. This is the last time I'm coming here as a student. What will next year be like? who will I keep in touch with?
However, throughout high school we see this too. It often causes mental issues, social issues, or no issues at all. A lot of people gain and loose friends throughout high school. People fight and are turned against each other. However, life goes on. No one around you stops. School keeps going and everyone's life goes on. This causes issues with people who are unstable and don't know how to handle the loss of friends or any issues in their life. As a seniors I have seen a countless number of times that someone has become depressed or suicidal because of losses of friends.
Leaving high school means there will be new people in my life and old friends being lost. However, life moves on and people need to make the best of every friend and every situation.


Despite the procrastination I did finish my philosophy paper. I also learned from writing it and researching about it. When I began to write my paper I said, I think if someone tried hard enough they could be completely without companionship. For instance, someone could be disowned by their family and never leave their room or wherever they were living. However, to be completely alone is very hard. Even in The Stranger, a man who doesn’t like other people still had people that he talked to and that cared for him. Companionship also doesn’t always have to be good; you could have a bad relationship with someone but it’s still something. Therefore, I really don’t see an instance where someone could be completely without companionship. However I started to talk to other people about it and read some quotes by Karl Marx and my view changed.
The quote that really changed my view on “loners” was, “Society does not consist of individuals but expresses the sum of interrelations, the relations within which these individuals stand.” –Karl Marx. This quote was from his  "Notebook 2," Grundrisse the “Notebook 2” which was written during 1857 and 1859 but wasn’t published until 1939. It was the draft for his final masterwork known as Das Kapital. Das Kapital was about Marx’s theory on capitalism. The quote talks about how everyone fits into society. This quote became what I now believe about the greater question, whether or not no one can be without companionship. They are always part of a larger thing. In this quote Karl Marx explains that thing is society. Each person is a part of our society therefore is apart of the “sum”. Each individual person can stand out in the society, however no one is really alone or without companionship. Everyone has relations with someone in society whether good or bad they have some kind of relation with someone. That makes them part of the “sum” of the “interrelations” of in society. “Interrelations” are relationships within society and makes up the “sum” or complete society. Without the interrelations or companionship we wouldn’t have a society. We would only have individuals. However, according to Marx and what I believe that isn’t possible. I agree with his idea. No matter how hard someone tries to be alone and away from society they are still apart of the bigger society. They have to have some kind of relationship with the people around them whether it is good or bad. It is truly impossible for someone to be alone. This also agrees with what I believe about my question. Companionship can both help us and hurt everyone and us has companionship with someone. However, it takes an interesting look at my question. It talks about how people can be individuals within the bigger society. Which means they can be uninfluenced by the people around them. However, I don’t agree with that. I think at some point we were all influenced by the people around us. Especially as younger kids when we looked up to our elders.
            After this paper I learned a lot about society and how the world works around us and how companionship can help and hurt everyone.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Perks of Being a Wallflower- Whats wrong with me?

Teenage years are when a person tries to figure out who they are, who the want to me, and how to fit in. Some need more direction than others. There are a good amount of people who go to psychiatrists, some that go to their parents, and some that find their own way. However, everyone asks, who am I and how do i fit in but stand out at the same time? In the book, "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" the narrator says, "I just wish that God or my parents or Sam or my sister or someone would just tell me what's wrong with me. Just tell me how to be different in a way that makes sense. To make this all go away. And disappear. I know that's wrong because it's my responsibility, and I know that things get worse before they get better because that's what my psychiatrist says, but this is a worse that feels too big." (139)
When dealing with issues as a teenager we  don't always ask for help or know how to get through it but just wish that someone will tell us what to do and how to feel. However, a lot of the time that isn't the case and results in depression, a worse situation, or confusion. Teenagers get lost, do stupid things and mess up. It part of growing up but society doesn't help much. A lot of the time if a teenager does one stupid thing or messes up once, that is the only chance they get. For instance, if someone cheated on a test or drove drunk, that would stay with them for a very long time. They only get one chance. Society needs to make it easier for kids to learn how to live and make the mistakes that are necessary to learning that. Everyone has to make mistakes to learn from them. However, our society doesn't make that easy. For a lot of teens they don't want to get in trouble with their parents or schools so they try to do the right thing all the time. However, once something goes wrong they don't know what to do.
Society also puts a lot of pressure on teens to fit in. To be in the "in" crowd. That pressure can also result in depression if they aren't a part of that group and confusion if they don't want to be like that. Society doesn't give people sense or direction. It just tells people what to be and how they should look. However, a lot of teens get confused and need that direction to figure out who they are. Some people need a push in the right direction and society doesn't necessarily give them the push they need. That can make some teens feel like outcasts or helpless which can lead to issue such as depression and suicide. Society needs to do a better job of helping teenagers to make mistakes and figure out who they are and who they should become. 

The Perks of Being a Wallflower- Finding the Right Person/People

"I just need to know that someone out there listens and understands and doesn't try to sleep with people even if they could have. I need to know that these people exist."(Chbosky 3) In the book "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" the main character says this quote at the very beginning. A lot of teenagers have this go through their head. They are trying to figure out life and the people around then yet all they see are the bad things. The news constantly tells them the and things going on around them. They have friends in bad high school relationships. Everything around them is negative, for the most part. They just want to know there are normal people out there.
When I first started to date I had a few bad relationships. I had a few that only cared about physical things, a few that cheated, and a few that all we did was fight. When I was going through all that I would say the same thing. Every teenager wants to know there are people out there that are good and just want to help others. It isn't easy going through high school as everyone experiences everything. Most things end badly.
For instance in my last post I talked about bad things that happen at parties. But there are also a lot of people that use other people, either for sexual favors or money or social status. Some people only get to meet those people and aren't lucky enough to see the larger world around them. They just want to know that there is someone out there that isn't just like everyone else. Someone that will be there for them. 
There are also people who look at others wishing they knew how they felt or that they could feel the same way. "I look at people holding hands in the hallways, and I try to think about how it all works. At the school dances, I sit in the background, and I tap my toe, and I wonder how many couples will dance to 'their song.' In the hallways, I see the girls wearing the guys’ jackets, and I think about the idea of property. And I wonder if anyone is really happy. I hope they are. I really hope they are." (24-25) In the beginning the narrator talks about how he needs to know there is someone out there to listen and understand him. Looking at other couples they can't help to think they have found that someone that is there for them and listens. There are people that sit there and wish they could find that someone that will listen and understand them. However, they feel the need to know if there is really someone out there for them. Most teenagers think they have to and will find that person by the time they graduate college. However, that is very rarely the case. They feel the need to find that person because they believe the people around them have found that. However, that isn't always the truth. From an outsiders perspective that how it seems though. Regardless, they ask the same question, is that person out there for me?
As teenagers that question is ringing in every teenager's head. The issue is when people get depressed and worried if they don't find that person while in high school. People need to notice there are more people out there than the few people in their high school and that they have so much to experience and people to meet. If they don't find that person in high school they will eventually. Maybe more than one person. However, some teenagers don't think that way. A lot of them get depressed and in a bad place because they don't see what the future holds. People need to be more open minded and see there is more to life than the people in high school trying to figure out who they are and the people they want to be.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Philosophy Essay

In my english class we have to write a philosophy paper that is about 23 pages long. My question is,
How does companionship help us and hurt us as humans? with the sub questions, whether or not we choose the people that we have companionships with, whether or not we allow people to influence us or does it just happen without control, Is it possible for someone to be without companionship? If so what position would they be in? Maybe this post should have been titled "Procrastination". Im usually pretty bad about procrasting but never as bad as I have been for this paper. Right now I'm in my English class and supposed to be working on this paper. However, I can't get myself to do it. It won't be hard once i get started, but with 7 days left of school a 23 page paper really isn't the first thing on my mind and doesn't sound too fun. Senior year is almost over yet it feels like i have another few month of school. I blame it all on this paper. If i just finished it I would feel better and like my year was complete. However, I just can't. I have now sat through 2 weeks in this class and only worked ont eh paper for 2 of those days. Granted I got 7 of the pages done, I still can't bring myself to finish it.
Part of the essay is to find a philosopher. I found the philosopher, Karl Marx. he is a history philosopher but has a lot of good quotes and ieas of companionship and people working together and against each other. I suggest everyone check him out.
Now back to looking at a blank screen for another 30 minutes telling myself I'm going to start now.
little food for thought to not be like me-  
"Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination: never put off till tomorrow what you can do today." Lord Chesterfield

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Perks of Being a Wall Flower- Drinking and Rape

In high school there are always stupid teenagers and bad decisions made. In the book, “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” by Stephen Chbosky the reader gets to see an insider view of a quiet and observant freshman in high school and their stories from high school and some from when they were younger and his siblings were in high school. A big part of high school for a good amount of people is partying. Of course the same goes for college but there are a lot in high school too. Most parties happen when parents go out of town and the kids want to be cool or rebel against their parents and have a party, “My parents went to Ohio… and they left my brother in charge of the house.. My brother used the opportunity to throw a big party with beer and everything.” (27) Even from my own high school experiences I have noticed that most of the parties that people throw are when their parents are out of town and don’t think they will find out. Some people say that if the cops did more to stop parties or catch them that more people would choose not to go or participate in the activities, such as drinking. However, this is not the case. A lot of people come over to the houses with parties and act without thinking. They get drunk or do drugs and it usually gets out of hand. In some cases people even get raped. In the book the main character, Charlie, witnesses a rape while hiding out in his room during his older brother’s party. The couple came stumbling in and asked if they could use his room. He agrees and then goes on to explain how the girl kept saying no, “the boy kept working up the girl’s shirt, and as much as she said no, he kept working it… He pulled his pants and underwear down to his knees “Please. Dave. No”… After a few minutes the boy pushed the girls head down… she was still crying.” (28) People drunk make bad decisions, especially high schoolers. They don’t think about what they are doing and don’t really care. They are also very impulsive which doesn’t help when a teenage boy is drunk and wants some from his girlfriend. The issue with rape when the people are in a relationship is it is hard to convince people that there was a rape that occurred. The issue with the situation in the book was that the couple was dating and still is and is very much in love. At least that is how it seems. Therefore, if anyone spoke up, especially the innocent 8th grade bystander, they wouldn’t be listened to. This means the rapist never gets in trouble. They get away with everything with no consequence. Unfortunately this isn’t rare. There are a lot of people that get raped or sexually abused even by their loved ones because they are under the influence. This is another reason why they don’t speak up. They think that people will say that the person raped could have a messed up view of what happened that night because they were drunk or may have declined only because they were drunk. Either way they weren’t in their right mind. Parties in high school are common and a lot of the time they get out of hand and people get hurt. Most people will never speak up and the person that hurt them never get caught or given a consequence. Unfortunately that is how it is and probably will remain that way. There isn’t much anyone can do. When teenagers or really anyone is under the influence they make stupid decisions and in high school that happens a lot. There isn’t much the school, parents, or cops can do about it. It’s part of high school and can happen to anyone.


As you look at the green skin thinking of the delectable juiciness that will come shooting out of the nice sour apple. The smooth yet slightly gritty texture pressing against your tongue as the juice seeps out and you crunch on the skin. The apple has to be crunchy though. Otherwise that delectable taste isn't so great. That great texture changes to mushiness and make an amazing creation not so great. I really don't understand the people that only eat the mushy apples. My best friend only likes mushy apples and can't even sit next to someone eating a crunchy apple. He explains it as the equivalent to someone scratching their nails on a chalk board. He gets goose bumps all up and down his arm as his hairs stick up. To me the sound of the crunch is a nice relaxing sound of a delectable crunchy great apple, the sign of a snack not gone to waste. A sign that my stomach with be a happy stomach with a nice tasty, healthy snack. I guess everyone has their thing. If I ever don't like an apple or I think it has gone to waste I can just pass it onto my friend and then his stomach will be happy with a nasty mushy snack.