Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Do Students Really Have Freedom of Speech?

In social issues class we have recently been talking a lot about students rights and freemdom of speech in school. I quickly noticed that we really don't have that much freedom of speech in school as i thought we did. Sure, we can talk about our personal veiws and what we believe in which is a lot more freedom than a lot of other places. However, we really can't always express ourselves in a lot of ways people want to. For instance, in the Tinker vs. Des Moines case, "as a part of a group against American involvment in the Vietnam War, they decided to publicize their opposition by wearing black armbands to school." (Hudson Jr., David L.)The children were punished and suspended from school if they wore the bands until they agreed not to wear them. Although the court found the innocent and that they should be able to wear them, they were still punished in the first place. The court said, "it can hardly be argued that either student or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the school house gate." The court believes that but we still have a very good amount of restrictions on what we can say and wear. School take away a lot of things that could be found offensive to people. However, anyone can be offended by almost anything. Therefore, there are a good amount of restrictions on what we can and can't wear, and what we can and can't say. The problem is.. where do we draw the line? when do we know if we have to put a restriction on something? the problem is we don't know. There will always be someone with a problem with a rule or what someone says or wears. But what amount of people makes that okay to put a restriction on it? and when does it really become an issue? There lies the problem of schools trying to solve the problem before it even happens, like in Tinker vs. Des Moines, when the school put the restrictions on the armbands before they even wore them. It also causes he schools to create more restrictions that don't really need to be made and just takes away more of our freedom.

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