Friday, April 13, 2012

Neo-Nazi Group is a Civil Rights Group?

Fox News did a story on a Neo-Nazi group being in Sandford, Florida where Tryvon Martin was killed by a "neighborhood watchman", George Zimmerman. The main issue in this case became gun control and the Florida law, Stand You Ground. This law states that anyone that feels like their life is threatened can use deathly force on the person they feel threatened by. However, The Neo-Nazi Group, National Socialist Movement, one of the biggest Neo-Nazi groups, found the need to come and "patrol the area". They call themselves and Fox News calls them a "civil rights group".

After this story was published the editor put out a not saying, "The report originally published Saturday inadvertently referred to the National Socialist Movement as a civil rights group. We intended to refer to them as a “self-proclaimed” civil rights group." However, they still see themselves as a civil rights group. What kind of civil rights groups' ideology is, "Neo-Nazi; NSM calls for a “greater America” that would deny citizenship to Jews, non-whites, and homosexuals."(The National Socialist Movement)? This group is affiliated with multiple clan groups and are anything but a peaceful civil rights group. They believe that they are fighting for the white race's rights because no one else does so. However, there are plenty of white Jews and homosexuals. They are the exact vision on the Third Reich and should not be called a civil rights group. They do nothing but go to places and have rallies to promote the Fascist's views and to try and create a "better America". They aren't fighting for people's rights. Some people may say they are violent but they don't use violence unless they are acted upon violently first.I don't agree with what they have to say or what they do but in that sense I have to stick up for them. However, I don't believe that a group who strongly believes in the Third Reich like in Germany during World War Two and what they stand for can not be considered a civil rights group. Especially in a place with so many people effected by it and with so many people that escaped from and live through it. I don't think that a group that's goal is to purify an area by ridding it of certain groups of people can be called a civil rights group.

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